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How to Spell Words So the Other Faction Can Read in Wow

  1. #21

    I've long wanted a way to acquire the other side'due south linguistic communication. Even if it came out "scrambled" to a caste and it involved a long quest chain just to larn one language (and perchance even limiting it to one language) it would exist pretty slap-up.

    Of class, what I'd like to see even more would be faction changes, not equally in "pay blizz to change my race" but rather:
    * Long quest concatenation to change faction.
    * Faction change can merely be done one time.
    * Once yous've changed over you lot will take neutral rep with your new faction.
    * Yous will be hated with your old faction.
    * All old faction NPCs will have increased aggro radius.
    * In PvP all old faction players will have a harm buff (something like v%) applied for their attacks on you and other traitors.

    Basically, make information technology possible to beguile your faction simply make the price of betrayal high plenty that well-nigh players won't want to do it.

    I've also long wanted to see a "neutral" faction, for a long time I hoped Goblins could be made into such a faction. Information technology would provide for some very interesting not-combat game mechanics. Of grade, Cataclysm shattered those hopes...

  2. #22

    sl2059 is offline

    Stood in the Fire sl2059's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by aiir View Post

    Hi all,

    Ok,Say im horde and I get to Elwynn Forest and weather i exercise /say or /yell the ally get my bulletin but its like in a dissimilar langue?.

    And when ally is does /say or /yell,etc it comes up [Common] and so (here) with some other langue

    Annihilation to do to modify that orr?...


    you lot type /e and what you lot wanna say(case:/e says: Howdy! I'thou the brotherhood/horde standing next to you!),and the other player sees it every bit 10 and what yous typed(Ten says: Hi! I'm the alliance/horde continuing next to yous!)
    Other ways of taking to the other side are illegal.

    Everything that is,is alive

    -This Signature was made by Geekissexy,The Signature Master.

  3. #23

    Actually, from fourth dimension to fourth dimension there are ways to communicate. Warlocks, for example, have a course called "Curse of tongues" which reads "The target is forced to speak demonic, increasing cast time by 50%".
    Equally boosted flavor the target would really speak demonic when using /say, and then allies could non empathize the messages. This messed with some addons and was far to cool and so they took that out.
    But if you were a demonology warlock, you could throw a class on your target, switch to deamon-form and talk to each other.
    During the WotLK opening outcome, zombies could talk (and even trade, muled a lot of stuff) to other faction members.

    Likewise, the chat menu let you choose the linguistic communication you want to talk. If you lot're a draenei y'all can choos between common and draenei. Y'all could learn unlike languages due to very special quests, opening upwards more languages:

    I read near several bugs regarding people learned draconic during the AQ opening event, which may be able to speak to each other using draconic, only never tried myself, so dont know if that is true.

    Too in the draenei starting area there was a quest which taught yous fulborg. After a faction transfer, there was a phase were you keept this power. Dont know if this still works, as well, i've just read near this.

    At that place also are addons which employ a set of known words to transmit information, which allows yous to chat with other faction members, but they are banned. Some text may permit yous say pocket-size phrases in the other languages, just as far as i know its against the rules, to employ all of that stuff.

  4. #24

    jDrex05 is offline

    Keyboard Turner

    While I don't think players should be able to openly talk to each other, I do actually miss the days of using priests to talk to the opposite faction.

    -Mind control enemy role player

    -emote while controlling them

    -other faction can read information technology

  5. #25

    0smo is offline

    Stood in the Burn down

    i remember the beta

    and cross fraction chat was at that place.

    STV was 1 big flame zone... thus it was removed, thank (an quondam) god

  6. #26

    Quote Originally Posted by sl2059 View Post

    you blazon /eastward and what you wanna say(case:/e says: How-do-you-do! I'm the alliance/horde standing adjacent to you lot!),and the other player sees it as X and what y'all typed(X says: Hi! I'm the alliance/horde standing next to you!)
    Other means of taking to the other side are illegal.

    That doesn't work, and never has. What rock take you been living under?

    The only way to make yourself understood past the other faction is to figure out what kind of alphabetic character and number combinations that make words in mutual or orcish.

    Last edited by mmoc409bdafe4d; 2011-03-12 at 05:03 PM.

  7. #27

    Eis is offline

    Pandaren Monk Eis's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by sl2059 View Post

    you type /e and what you wanna say(example:/e says: Hi! I'm the alliance/horde standing next to yous!),and the other actor sees it every bit 10 and what you typed(X says: Hi! I'grand the brotherhood/horde standing next to you lot!)
    Other means of taking to the other side are illegal.

    That does non work, every bit already stated in this thread. Spacing out your messages does not piece of work either.

    Many Alliance say things that nosotros can read as Horde, just they're not actually maxim it.
    As Alliance if you blazon 'me wa gf' it shows as 'lo ve me' to Horde. 'd a p ee bb' shows as 'y o u lo se'. Those are the simply ones I am personally enlightened of, and I'm sure there are more possible.

  8. #28

    KageZetsumei is offline

    High Overlord

    Unless you're Boxing.Internet friends with the person you lot're trying to talk to, in that location'due south no way to talk to someone on the opposing faction.

  9. #29

    Grzlynx is offline

    The Patient Grzlynx's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by reyu View Post

    in that location are some codes to send a message that the opposing faction understands (ai am d c p or stuff like that) simply i seriously dubiousness you will be able to have a normal conversation

    This is the just possible way to get any type of bulletin across to the opposite faction. Information technology'south why yous'll sometimes see an brotherhood yell something along the lines of "YO U LO SE", or horde saying "Fifty O 50 HA HA HA" and such. These are only doable with the right combination of spaced out letters typed out in the correct manner and so that the filter translated them into that.

    Other than this, there is no way to communicate with the other faction. Even in this fashion, it'due south only useful to taunt and express joy at the player you're ganking, pretty much.

  10. #30

    Nexxia is offline

    Bloodsail Admiral

    Ok, if you want to talk to reverse faction heres the deal. Figured this out eons ago. Put a space between every letter in a discussion and double space betwixt words. Like E F F Y O U ! ! or H e l l o and information technology doesnt go translated. Its a pain, only it works.

  11. #31

    bufferunderrun is offline

    Scarab Lord bufferunderrun's Avatar

    In the old beta every race was able to speak and understand the [common] linguistic communication, this is was swiftly removed because of the massive quantity of insults btw the 2 faction; at least they try to limit this only to undead but in the cease they removed this option.
    I would say that the comunity every bit not matured since that time then the limit persist even today.

  12. #32

    Think, Alliance - create a macro:
    /y D a p Ee bb

    Spam this everytime you make horde fail. And apply mutual language.

  13. #33

    Quote Originally Posted past Eis View Post

    That does not work, every bit already stated in this thread. Spacing out your letters does not piece of work either.

    Many Alliance say things that we can read equally Horde, but they're non really saying it.
    As Alliance if you type 'me wa gf' it shows as 'lo ve me' to Horde. 'd a p ee bb' shows as 'y o u lo se'. Those are the but ones I am personally aware of, and I'm sure there are more than possible.

    love me is "ee oo ss" :< unless both work

  14. #34

    Feel The Power is offline

    The Lightbringer Feel The Power's Avatar

    Gone are the days of "NO ANAL Northward*GGA", that used to exist the easiest i to do between factions. I was surprised it took blizz so long to make information technology unreadable.

  15. #35

    Cracka_Bob is offline

    Brewmaster Cracka_Bob's Avatar

    they should make learning a linguistic communication of another race (on the same faction) similar to the guild rep.

    and so like if I'k an orc and I want to learn Thalassian, anything that would give me rep with Silvermoon would also give me a "language" rep. the language rep gains you receive would increment in amount depending on that faction'south rep but would be much much slower than the faction rep and would not be affected by tabards

    Oh yep, there is a method to my madness O.o

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  16. #36

    Krugbuu is offline

    The Patient Krugbuu's Avatar

    When the game was actually immature, couldn't priests mind command the other faction, and then talk in say, and they could understand information technology?

  17. #37

    Finn mac cool is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted past Doowoo View Post

    My axe would similar to talk with the brotherhood.

    My sword would like to reply : )

  18. #38

    Adalwolf is offline

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    Quote Originally Posted by nyhcjedi View Post

    Take away from world pvp? How almost ignite globe pvp on every server. The trouble is with this game is there is no real style to develop any thespian driven politics in this game. I guarantee world pvp would flourish if people could smack talk each other. Of course in other games this is how they exercise things. If you don't similar it you lot can plow off that particular chat screen(in other games). This would ignite server politics, instigate rivalry, promote people going out in the earth. That is the one main thing missing from this game. No personal connections to another player. I would love to see something like this practical to servers, at to the lowest degree the pvp ones.

    Oh and I'm calling for linguistic communication barrier removal. it'south airheaded at this signal for lore reasons. I mean on pve servers the lore is already to hell when you have allies and horde picking daises together in the fields, helping each other impale mobs. Requite me a break.

    i don't know what games you lot been playing, but I played a lot of MMOs. The language barrier in WoW is 1 the about bright aspects of the game and the main reason that faction hatreds are more intense in Wow than any other game: You lot can't exist friends with people you can't talk, they won't whine at you if y'all slaughter them over and over again, they won't make you feel an asshole for murdering them when they ask "Please, stop killing me, I merely trying to savour the game the few spare hours I got". No, their "Delight" will be read as some gutterspeak by you, that gutterspeak could very much mean "Spiral yourself yous fat nerd". So, in doubt what he is trying to say, you lot just kill him again. The only thing he can do to cease y'all is to call his friends to gank you, which could very peradventure lead to a small PvP state of war.


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